Monday, February 20, 2012

Why MEEE??

Since this is the first post on my first ever blog, I'll start by explaining how I came upon the name MEEE.

During one of my not so uncommon 4:00 am musings,  I was thinking about the things I should incorporate into my life every day in order to feel strong, focused, and confident.  What are the basics that I need for a strong body, a clear mind, and good interpersonal relationships? 
I came up with the acronym MEEE, which stands for Meditation, Exercise, Eating well, and Engagement.  Meditation provides a centering, a stopping of the cacophony of the outside world as well as the inner chatter.  Exercise boosts my confidence, strengthens my body, and keeps depression at bay.  Eating Well makes me feel better physically, helps my immune system, and gives me a sense of control. And, Engagement calls me to interact with others and with my surroundings, drawing me out of my internal world.
That MEEE looks like a very dramatic form of the first person singular (me) is not a coincidence.  It helps me to remember to honor, value, and care for myself throughout the day. 

And, how am I doing at implementing this clever little plan of mine?  Well, like all good plans, it works just as well as I work it!